About Us
The written word is our passion. Storytelling our sustenance. Helping writers our motivation.
Words are powerful.
Stories have existed for thousands of years. They are a way of imparting knowledge, of preserving memory, inciting change; or even helping a lonely girl escape from reality for a little while.
Jenn is an Australian freelance fiction editor and writer, with over 7 years professional editing experience and over 20 years writing experience. She has a passion for storytelling and collaborating with authors to bring out the best in their stories, helping them to identify areas of strength and developmental issues within their writing, and acting as a sounding board for ideas when writers get stuck.
Worldbuilding is a particular area of interest, stemming from a background in archaeology and history of ancient civilisations. Her specialty is fantasy, though she works across a range of genres including mystery, romance, women's lit and historical fiction.
Jenn is a professional member of IPEd (Institute of Professional Editing) and has been part of the Victorian branch committee since 2021.

Gabrielle Blondell, author of Numb
"Jennifer Zabinskas is careful, precise, supportive and trustworthy. She is entirely focussed on helping writers make better books, and so creates an atmosphere which is madly productive and unexpectedly uplifting. I like to think we have become friends." - Gabrielle Blondell, author of Numb

Nadine Abrahams, author of The Primal Heartbeat
"Jenn is an incredibly talented editor with a natural gift for consistency and flow. She has a natural gift with words especially in the fantasy genre and her suggestions were helpful and easy to understand." - Nadine Abrahams, author of the Stars Fallen series